Four-axis vertical take-off and landing frame setting
The QuadPlane code supports the frame arrangement of several quadcopter, hexacopter, octacopter and octaquad multicopter frames.
The command and output channels of the motor are the same as those of the helicopter, except that the output channel number starts from 5 instead of 1.
For example, using the default Quad-X frame, the motor is on outputs 5 to 8. Its arrangement is:
Channel 5: Right front motor, counterclockwise
Channel 6: Left rear motor, counterclockwise
Channel 7: Left front motor, clockwise
Channel 8: Right rear motor, clockwise
You can remember the clockwise/counterclockwise rule, "Motor turning to the fuselage", except for the H configuration, all directions are reversed!
Another common setting is the octa_quad framework, which uses the following sequence
Channel 5: Right front motor, counterclockwise
Channel 6: Left front motor, clockwise
Channel 7: Left rear motor, counterclockwise
Channel 8: Right rear motor, clockwise
Channel 9: Left front bottom motor, counterclockwise
Channel 10: Right front bottom motor, clockwise
Channel 11: Right rear bottom motor, counterclockwise
Channel 12: Left rear bottom motor, clockwise
You can remember the clockwise/counterclockwise rule of octa_quad, that is, "the top motor turns towards the fuselage, and the bottom motor goes outside the fuselage."
The default output of the vertical take-off and landing fixed wing is 1 to 4. Only the rotor output (4 to 5 to 8) operates at high PWM rate (400Hz). You can also use channels 9 to 14 in a four-way setup.
You can choose to move the four motors to any other channel above 4. Use the steps listed below.
To use different frame types, you can set Q_FRAME_CLASS and Q_FRAME_TYPE. Q_FRAME_CLASS can be:
1 is four axes
2 is 6 axis
3 is 8 axis
4 is a double-layer four-axis
5 is Y6
7 is a three axis
10 for Tailsitter
In each of these frame classes, Q_FRAME_TYPE selects the motor layout
0 is + box
1 for the X framework
2 is V frame
3 is H frame
11 is FireFly6Y6 (Y6 only)
Use different channel mappings
You can remap the output channels of the quad motor by setting the SERVOn_FUNCTION value. This is the same as other output functions.
Please note that there is no need to set any SERVOn_FUNCTION value unless you have a non-standard motor customization. It is highly recommended that you use the standard sequence. Do not set the SERVOn_FUNCTION parameter and leave them at zero. At startup, they will be automatically set to the correct value.
The output function number is:
33: Motor 1
34: Motor 2
35: Motor 3
36: Motor 4
37: Motor 5
38: Motor 6
39: Motor 7
40: Motor 8
So put your four-wheel motor on outputs 9 to 12 (auxiliary channels on the Pixhawk), and you can use these settings in the advanced parameter list: