PWM controlled shutter
This article mainly describes the use of PWM to control the camera to take pictures and C-RTK2 to record POS data; the general camera is a relay to trigger the shutter.
ArduPilot firmware
[!NOTE] The flight control parameters are set in MissionPlanner >"Configuration"> All Parameter Table/Parameter Book. After modification, please click the write button on the right and restart the flight control.
[!NOTE] The following settings are to enable UAVCAN and provide RTK/navigation data for the flight controller; if you only use C-RTK 2 as PPK, this operation is not required.
- CAN_P1_DRIVER =1(Enable CAN1)
- CAN_P2_DRIVER =1(Enable CAN2)
- GPS_TYPE =9 or GPS_TYPE2= 9(Enable CAN GPS)
Set the flight control camera shutter
- CAM_TRIGG_TYPE=0(0=PWM ,1=relay)
- CAM_DURATION=10(uration that shutter is held open,0~50(1=100ms))
- Servo14_Function=10(Define the shutter trigger pin, take the flight control AUX6/M14/A14 pin as an example)
- BRD_PWM_COUNT=6(Take the V5+ A6 pin as an example, the firmware version below AP4.10 does not need to be set in a higher version; it should be equal to or greater than the pin number)
C-RTK2 Parameters
When using PWM triggering, you need to modify the following parameters of C-RTK2:
- UAV_ENABLE=1(Enable camera shutter input)
- UAV_MODE=1(PWM input mode)
- UAV_DURATION=CAM_DURATION(flight control parameters)
- UAV_SERVO_ON=CAM_SERVO_ON(flight control parameters)
- UAV_SERVO_RATE=SERVO_RATE(flight control parameters)
- CAM_DURATION=10(Shutter ON time)
- CAM_POLARITY=0(0:low,1:high)
- CAM_FEEDBACK_TYPE=1(1 when the hot shoe triggers to record pos, and 0 when the shutter records pos)
- CAM_ST=0(Shutter compensation time, set to 0 when using hot shoe)
Test shutter trigger
- Trigger with remote control:
RC?_OPTION=9(?= Remote control shutter trigger channel, such as RC7_OPTION=9, then the remote control channel 7 is set to high to take a photo, the range is RC6~RC12). - Triggered with a ground station:
- Missionplanner>Data>Actions, select Trigger_camera, click to execute the action to trigger the camera to take a picture.
PX4 firmware
[!NOTE] The flight control parameters are set in the parameters of QGroundcontrol. After modification, please click the ok button on the right and restart the flight control.
[!NOTE] The following settings are to enable UAVCAN and provide RTK/navigation data for the flight controller; if you only use C-RTK 2 as PPK, this operation is not required.
- UAVCAN_ENABLE=Sensors Automatic Config (automatically configure node iD)
Set flight control shutter trigger
- TRIG_PINS=?(trigger pin. If triggering on AUX5 and AUX6, the set value should be 56)
- TRIG_ACT_TIME=200(trigger time)
C-RTK2 Parameters
When using PWM to control shutter triggering, you need to modify the following parameters of C-RTK2:
- UAV_ENABLE=1(Enable camera shutter input)
- UAV_DURATION=TRIG_ACT_TIME/100(flight control parameters)
- UAV_SERVO_ON=TRIG_PWM_SHOOT(flight control parameters)
- UAV_SERVO_RATE=PWM_AUX_RATE(flight control parameters)
- CAM_FEEDBACK_TYPE=11 when the hot shoe triggers to record pos, and 0 when the shutter records pos)
- CAM_ST=0(Shutter compensation time, set to 0 when using hot shoe)